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Author Topic: Council/Government/Spongers Rant  (Read 4237 times)

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Re: Council/Government/Spongers Rant
« Reply #60 on: 08 August 2008, 00:01:50 »

I do totally agree Kevin, if even I could have a guarantee that tax credits would be worked out in time to help.., I'd have happily lived on a £5 an hour job just to reduce the benefits burden I have placed on the system in the past.  If only I could guarantee my son wouldn't throw a major paddy and refuse to attend school because of his special needs (he gets teased a lot because he is a little different in some ways).  The thought of going thru that 'losing jobs' scenario again is not a good thought.  

Its the daft things that get you.  I used a social fund loan to pay for a sewing machine.., cheap one and unfortunately it was useless so had to go back.  Was thinking i could work at home on a self employed basis.  Eventually got a refund, and then both my ancient tv's (bought when both my ex and I were working) broke within two weeks so I had to spend the money on an expensive TV.  Even considered that extortionate buy as u rent scheme so could still get a replacment but better sewing machine.., but couldn't live with throwing £1k away in extortionate interest rates.  So now I start again.  I will get there but when i don't know lol.    
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Re: Council/Government/Spongers Rant
« Reply #61 on: 08 August 2008, 00:03:25 »

I'm 64 and at the moment living of my company pension that i payed into for like 30yrs, have never been unemployed until 2005 when I was offered early retirement through ill health anyway I got Inc Benefit for about a year plus a well reduced one as I had a pension, I worked about 6mths got no help what so ever from the DWP( they just said your fit now get a job) found my own job not easy at 62+ being an ex HGV driver(failed medical for HGV) but then found out I needed another hip replacement had one already to go with my existing heart problem, I now get Inc Benefit again to the massive amount of £26 /week its just gone up,to that !!! now i have paid all my life into this POT but there's now too many who aint paid ought in taking a big chunk out now that does piss me off , so if you planned & saved & worked most your life you will find it bloody hard to get ought out of the system when you get older believe me..BUT if you hav'nt worked or you have nowt you get every benefit going or so it seems to me its a joke system   :-[ unless your an MP  ;)


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Re: council employees
« Reply #62 on: 08 August 2008, 09:00:28 »

You're too liberal soft ;D

if you heed someone to talk to we have a wide range of P.C. therapists who will be happy to listen to your issues
If they start spouting crap, can I thump them?
Grumpy old man


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Re: Council/Government/Spongers Rant
« Reply #63 on: 08 August 2008, 10:08:58 »

I feel for anyone who has a certain standard of living which is always determined by their income, and suddenly finds that this standard is being eroded through no fault of their own. Council workers, no matter how badly they think they are being treated, at least have some protection and the option to strike. Most people do not. Throughout the last 10 years we have all seen prices rise, but not wages. Spare a thought for the massive army of self-employed workers, and those, like me, who receive a small basic wage and rely on sales commission for the rest. My basic is £10k a year, the rest being made up of commission from cars sold. We used to sell 12/15 cars a week which more  than doubled my wage, nowadays we are selling 6 or 7 a week, my wages have plummeted, I can't strike,  I have no protection or guarantees,
no unions, no public sympathy. All of us will know building workers and HGV drivers who have been laid off, they are in a similar position. So please forgive me if I have few thoughts for council workers. None of those council workers  who received large payments for the difference in wages between male and female workers were complaining then, being able to retire early is also not an option for people like me. I am not trying to sound bitter or pompous but welcome to the real world economy, market forces will now determine civic pay. Despite council tax doubling in the last 10 years can any OOF member honestly say they receive a better service for the extra money?

Well in a nutshell if you find your final salary reduced and its not enough too get by on then why not simply find another job.

I do a job i honestly dont is just about the most dead end proffesion you can find,i do it as it pays me enough too live on.

I work hard (no i dont but thats besides the point) and put extremely long hours in...avergae works out roughly £27,000 PA.

So really no one has any excuse about banging on about how hard done by they are...theres plenty of jobs out there.
I think my original reply has been hijacked when the post was split by the administrators. my reply was to a post about the downgrading of council posts and the subsequent wage losses. My point was that many non council workers are in a similar position without the benefit of wage protection/unions etc. Your £27k for security work may be obtainable in Huntingdon, but not here in the North East. £27k will be a skilled IT job / welder fabricator or similar. Again my point was that due to the economic downturn my wages have suffered, partly due to fuel prices, partly due to this car hating government. As for " there are plenty of jobs out there " even the Poles are quitting the North East, not that we had many anyway!!! Our local Evening paper used to have a supplement on a Thursday with 800 jobs in it, last week there were 200. It isn't all doom and gloom though, we live in a beautiful uncrowded area with relatively low crime and reasonable house prices, so perhaps we should be grateful. During my 33 year unbroken working career I have travelled/stayed/lodged all over the UK and I would not take a Kings Ransom to move very far from here, except perhaps for Oz or Canada and even then I would want a good look at them first.


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Re: Council/Government/Spongers Rant
« Reply #64 on: 08 August 2008, 18:39:08 »

 ::) >:( ::) :o
I have been on benefits.., and rather than having the money to buy alcohol/lottery tickets.., have lived on toast for weeks on end to feed my kids - and knowing i was feeding them badly at that.  I used a social fund loan to buy a part ex car from the local garage when I still lived with my also non working ex.., who drove, cause i have a son with special needs who has a habit of sitting on the pavement rather than walking anywhere. One of the reasons I was given taxi rides to the local child and family health place.  Its 40 mins away and half the time we didn't get there before they gave us access to taxi's for the appts (by then my ex and I had split up, I don't drive and can't afford to pay for a provisional - been trying for months to save the money up but something always comes up like bills and food and clothes for two kids).

I went on benefits after weeks of looking for work, paying a childminder I could not afford to lose cause I wouldn't be able to replace her because i was so determined to find work.  BUT once u get sucked into the benefits system (and believe it or not.., there IS no credit - except the social fund loan system which I paid back -  not even an overdraft if u are on benefits) and have to look at not getting paid for a month on a salaried job - while paying childcare costs and rent for two weeks etc.., knowing u are going to be earning £5 per hour while 'things' sort themselves out (in terms of getting tax credits etc) and it means u can't put even basic food on the table because u are working - u tend to think twice about going to work.

I'm sorry folks, but its not the easy life on benefits u think.  

And I guarantee - totally guarantee cause its happened, i would have lost any job I had cause of the fact I need to look after a two year old and a twelve year old with special needs - his special needs are not really bad but I never seem to get off the phone with his school and social workers and health professionals he see's trying to improve his quality of life and make him in the future self sufficient. I hate being called a scrounger.., but in a way I have been.  I'd love to not be.  U don't know how much.

This is exactly swmbowithattitude what I was trying to impart by my few postings on this subject! :y :y

Throughout my work involving a mental health trust, the police,  and generally "out there" in real life situations involving REAL families in dire straights, I find NO-ONE who finds life on benefits easy; they are forever desparately seeking ways to pay for their basic needs; food, gas, electric, water rates, let alone clothing there kids on VERY limited income.  When they can get "credit" it is either in the form of a "Crisis Loan" from DSS that will be paid back by weekly deductions from their Income Support payments, or from "Provident" loans and the like that charge astronomical interest rates (i.e. Provident 168% APR; and that is one of the lowest!!) >:( >:(  As they are poor they are made poorer by this, and the fact that they often have to pay the highest charges for many necessities (i.e. electric & gas pre-payment meters). >:( >:(

I have been employed for 40+ years, and in my time paid, along with my ex, the highest levels of tax possible due to a very healthy income, with often a great life style. We both worked crippling hours, often over 6 days of the week, whilst maintaining a family and a home, with life never 'easy'.  However I would never begrudge any genuine case their welfare payments and support whilst they are in trouble, especially those who will never be blessed as I was so blessed.  ::)

I am not talking about the minority of youngsters who decide to never work, NO!  But the genuine weak must be helped by the strong in a good and fair society, and although I am a Conservative in many respects, I do fully subscribe to the Welfare System and certain aspects of Marxist philosophy.  We must never again have thousands of starving, homeless, and penniless men, women and especially children on our streets as it was before the reforms of the nineteenth century, and especially during the main years of the Industrial Revolution (1750-1850). :o :o

As for the "Capitalist" system that we all work for, just remember that we work hard to earn a crust, whilst those at the top earn a fortune from our sweat.  When we fall ill, often due to our working and general life conditions, "their" system, hospitals, doctors, nurses, etc., is in place to repair you, with some welfare assistance, and once  better throw you back into the "cycle" of work and production.  The capitalist system survives on us, or at least enough of us, providing the labour and maintaining the money supply to the top of the pile, the leaders of our "animal kingdom", to keep them in their ivory tower, with riches, whilst we worry about paying the basic household bills.  But their system is maintained and we can do little to change it....yet! >:( >:(

Can you blame anyone who genuinely falls ill from claiming what they can from "the system" that has caused so often their illness; even if it is just due to excessive hours, stress, bullying (such as with currently council workers!), bad working conditions, etc?  A system that, at the lower end at least, stiffles human creativity, restricts their personal freedom, and throws them out once no longer wanted.

So before we all target the poor (in more ways than with just pure "wealth" standards) of our society and those very few who MAY have found a way to "use" the sytem to their benefit, with our rantings, attack first the causes and reasons why our capitalist system exists, the damage it causes to fellow human beings, and those with a very real interest to keep it all going! >:(

Life is never fair, but could be a lot fairer for all if mankind was not so greedy, nasty, brutal and self centred! ::)

Andy B

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Re: Council/Government/Spongers Rant
« Reply #65 on: 08 August 2008, 18:55:31 »

 I find NO-ONE who finds life on benefits easy; they are forever desparately seeking ways to pay for their basic needs; food, gas, electric, water rates, let alone clothing there kids on VERY limited income. .......

There is though always an exception that breaks the rule.
Lizzy Bardsley
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