hi my 2.2 cdx Z22XE has been chilling in the garage through the very hot weather , took it to garage to sort out the slight blowing from the cat-manifold joint . nice and easy however , on checking the oil i found that it had gone milky so did oil and filter change straight away , did the gasket on the exhaust joint finding it didnt make any difference when done as .015 feeler guages still fit through the gap and i didnt have any type of paste so will need to redo . on driving back to bed , is running like theres oil in the plug wells ( they are bone dry been checking regularly ) and there also seems to be a sloshing sound !!! the only other thing i did that day was connected the after cat sensor as i noticed that was unplugged .. im leaning towards doing the head gasket ( which i want to do anyway at some point so i know its good ) as it seems to have been drinking coolant as well . i know it could be running like a sack because of false pressure readings at manifold due to leak ... ive also got new cam sensor and coolant valve ready to go on as i thought loss of coolant was the valve at the back . i will redo the exhaust with paste ! and switch out the cam sensor and water switch ( is it hbv valve or something ) . has anybody got any other ideas as what the issues could be ? im 60% sure its a head gasket job even tho only on 67000 miles it has been used for towing .
iyl do the minor possibles first then if need be crack on with the head gasket .