A week or so ago I purchased an Elite Estate, with only a couple of days MOT, for the bargain price of £275. I was planning to strip various components from it, for my 3.2 project (seen in the background!), but for various reasons I've been able to get them elsewhere, so I can now avoid stripping this one down in the cold and rain.
Essentially I am offering the car for what I paid for it - £275. The MOT has now expired.
The description is already here on this board, by the previous owner, Boatboy, so I don't need to repeat it, because it's honest and comprehensive. Only additional point is that there are 4 x very good Continental tyres fitted.
Offered to the forum for £275, which is below scrap value. Worth a fortune in parts but I really (really) CBA to break an Omega over winter. MOT has expired, handbrake is shagged, might need welding, take a punt for very little money?
Located in Oxfordshire. Photos taken this weekend after my drive home. Did the 50 miles without issue. Pulls well, gearbox great, slight pull to the right under braking. The final picture is trying to show a small crack at the bottom of the screen but it's not come out very well.
Grab a bargain