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Messages - btc

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General Car Chat / Re: Omega suggestion
« on: 14 August 2016, 19:56:21 »
You will only get any money when/if they sell the plate bit of a con in my opinion and sorry but I don't see any value in that number plate either my plate s2tpe on an s type is valued at £350

General Car Chat / Re: The Omega Replacement conundrum.
« on: 08 August 2016, 19:37:24 »
Lexus. Built like Mercedes used to be built and lots of toys.

Not true at all. They suffer from all sorts of stupid failures (when was the last time you had to replace capacitors in the ECU of any other car ever??).  And because barely anybody was stupid enough to buy one new spare parts are either unobtainable or exorbitant.  LS400 ignition coils for example - £140 EACH. there are 8 of them!

Even in terms of basic ergonomic quality they're shit.  The Japanese don't get quality and never have. Just rubbish plastic everywhere.
Strange my brother in laws has done 350k self serviced and never let him down no failures just normal wear and tear and I know of several owners who also done in excess of 250k with no major problems all cars have niggly faults including the omega

General Discussion Area / Re: May's PM....
« on: 14 July 2016, 09:47:35 »

General Discussion Area / Re: Bexit......will it happen?
« on: 01 July 2016, 12:30:10 »
I think if the MPs vote to ignore the vote the government would have to call an elections as they would lose the trust and support of the country I know there is a fixed term parliament and that 66% of MPs have to vote for another election but as you say most want to remain in the EU so would be an alternative solution 

This will hurt me more than it does you as he skelpt my arse  :-\

General Discussion Area / Re: New Tory leader?
« on: 30 June 2016, 12:18:24 »
Boris has ruled himself out of the running to be the next PM could it be Grove

General Car Chat / Re: Sourcing V6 DBW coil packs.
« on: 27 June 2016, 19:45:07 »
Working okay for me  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: The Labour Party
« on: 27 June 2016, 15:56:32 »
Cameron won a general election by promising a referendum that was bound to split his party no matter what the result. It makes you wonder what he and his advisors were smoking when they came up with that as a plan.....

They were sure that they'd end up in a coalition, and the referendum was the first thing they'd negotiate out of their manifesto to form one.

Given that the whole construct was designed to protect his career, you'd have thought Cameron would have the decency to have planned for the Brexit option becoming a reality, or at least to stick around and do his best to put it into practice with as little pain as possible.

I am sure he also said he would implement the exit as soon as the result was know (if we voted to leave)

General Discussion Area / Re: Article 50
« on: 26 June 2016, 14:31:02 »
A theory government rejects the vote to leave then calls a general election and start all the shit again 

General Discussion Area / Re: Article 50
« on: 26 June 2016, 14:04:24 »
I read that some MPs are saying the government should go against the vote and stay in the EU

It looks like it is affecting some other markets more than ours no one can say what the future will be (even if we had voted to stay) and it will take at least 2 years to settle   

General Discussion Area / Re: The "Leave" campaign
« on: 12 June 2016, 08:42:09 »
Seems Cameron and his his cronies are getting a bit desperate saying there could be cuts to the pensions NHS and defence

Might be bit's that would sell on some of the retro site's maybe retrorides  :-\

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