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i am curious to know the difference with the new one on ebay its obviously a different part number due to it being double bracketed ( non sided) but im sure i once read on here that the damping rates  on all were the same just different springs as req but it would make sense that a 2.0 would be damped different to a v6 (or mv6 for that matter )
 be nice to know for future reference
and for that matter the physical difference if any from omega A  versions (different mount bracket or  much more ?)

yes 10 flashes -zero   

its reporting P0335    incorrect rpm signal so to me that suggests a problem with the crank sensor or connection. 
someone more knowlegable than ne on these early cars should be along soon to offer more advice if required

so. from what you have found at least answers one question. the bypass valve allows hot water to flow into the matrix unless it has a vacuum applied to it .in which case it closes and bypasses the a missing vacuum / pipe fallen off situation would not cause a cold matrix.
 before you had a cold matrix pipe and now they are both hot so something has changed anyway. maybee an airlock was present before ?.
so now its suggesting an issue still with the servo/ flap system somewhere.
if you have poor heat from ANY exit then it would suggest there is a mixer flap somewhere that controls the temp ( although i thought that was what the bypass valve was for ?)

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 02 January 2025, 09:02:18 »
on the early cars ( and im realy talking mk1 cavs / mantas ) etc   the bimetal dashboard voltage regulator can fail and this makes the guages read high . nof experienced it on later stuff as they use an electronic version .
so at least then you can confirm that the guage is reading correct and go from there .
usual suspects ( as im sure you know ) for overheating are thermostat(eliminated),water pump(eliminated),head gasket(eliminated)
electrical/sender/voltage reg/guage(soon to be eliminated/checked)
after that you are into
cooling fan
head or block damage
head or block blockage
hopefully not to depress you but we had a similar issue once with a 83 carlton 1800. head gasket was done , thermostat, pump etc and we never got to the bottom of it . akways went up into the start of the red but never further and never boiled but nothing we changed brought it down !
valve timing
ignition timing
water in fuel combustion issues !

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 01 January 2025, 11:53:34 »
as a first point it would be good to confirm that the car is actually getting to the indicated temp .ive not known voltage regulators fail on the later carltons (83 ish on) as they are electronic but many on the earlier mk1's with the bimetal one. likewise the actual guages and senders are usually pretty reliable but if you had a temp gun to check it to be 100% sure.

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 30 December 2024, 20:57:37 »
yes the viscous units can sometimes become "non viscous" after losing their fluid and offer virtually no cooling at all .  if you have a suspect spare unit you could always drill and bolt the viscous housing to make if a solid fan ( if this is the issue ?)
had a look at your profile for posts but not seen any other mention of this ?
whats the issue ? overheating full stop or hotter than normal at idle or cruising ?

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 24 December 2024, 13:16:36 »

hopefully the diehard enthusiasts ( or crazy people like me according to my friends !) will be taking advantage of the warm weather today compared with the last few days and doing a bit of festive tinkering ! i must admit that i usually do SOMETHING virtually every day and considering that i have 5 cars myself and look after 2 others for my partner and her daughter its not too hard to find something to do !
thats the reason i dont normaly post anything in this section as it would look a little 'me me me' ! everyday !
yesterday and this morning was to try a different alternator on the cav and compare the internal regulator current draw with my other cars "just out of  curiosity "   this led me down the road of discovering that my other cavs alternator draws 0.6ma and this one draws 2.4ma! . so i found that bench testing my stash of regulators some do indeed draw 0.6 (and some around 2.4ma)and one was duly fitted and reinstalled . this car now draws 0.6 ma with thd radio and clock fuse out .(and approx 3 with it in)
this is nothing at all realy in the great scheme of things but means if i leave a car not used for 3 months the battery is still fine . mind hou the omega can sit sometimes for 2 months of so and still be fine so i will have to record the draw of that just out of curiosity !
now you see why i dont post here !  lol

yeah its still there . gm  number 72119031
unsided type with both hose mountings on it
i though most if not all std fronts were the same spec wise ?

im pretty sure there was 1 new gm front strut on ebay recently . not sure if its still on ?

General Car Chat / Re: Real rarity
« on: 19 December 2024, 09:22:28 »
my dad had a 74 dl in the early eighties and always loved it . sounded good and had a great looking front end with the recessed grille . never  ended up getting one myself as i stuck mainly with vauxhall vivas and cavaliers but did get chance to drive a 73 sceptre and a later crysler version a few years back . they drive realy well . feel solid on the road and you feel you are properly operating the controls unlike most modern cars which tend to feel like you are connected with rubber !

General Car Chat / Re: Real rarity
« on: 18 December 2024, 13:02:57 »
yes i forgot the rapier .  i must admit my favourite was the 1725 dl (4door saloon) that had the  icest front grille (to me) and was a step up from the minx without the possibly overcrowded front of the sceptre !   

General Car Chat / Re: Real rarity
« on: 18 December 2024, 12:48:46 »
available as a 1500,1725 and the holbay version too but yes same physical car as the minx or humber sceptre variants . great looking cars but did rot badly !  always fancied one but hard to find a good one now .
cannot recall the hunter name being used before that model thou ? certainly not 40's?

General Discussion Area / Re: you have a pm
« on: 08 December 2024, 15:00:42 »
just tried again but it says cannot send says  recipients inbox is full !

General Discussion Area / Re: you have a pm
« on: 08 December 2024, 14:56:29 »

nothing in inbox since you asked for my email ???
il check again . cheers

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