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Please play nicely.  No one wants to listen/read a keyboard warriors rants....

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Messages - LJay

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General Discussion Area / Re: Loo-Knee
« on: 01 March 2012, 14:12:08 »
What part of  TB's  plea amounting to  "can we all give it some space and not gnaw at the bones " did you lot not understand.

+1, this is getting boring.

Tell me about it.... ;D ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Loo-Knee
« on: 01 March 2012, 14:11:29 »
Starting again Ljay ? ::)
I have never bullied anyone in my life but nor will I be bullied by anyone.Funny how bullies often accuse others of being the bully.Reverse phsychology ? oldest trick in the book.I have seen you bully people periodically since I joined OOF,females in particular.Your treatment of Ali from Herts was disgraceful imo and should have resulted in a permanent ban.
Quite frankly,I think the only thing that has prevented that over the years is the fact that your Jimbobs wife.
Im afraid I have also lost respect for Jimbob over this matter.The fact that he banned another admin for 24 hours to prevent him from posting on OOF after his tiff with you is well known (so no need to keep deleting it when somone posts it) and has caused a lot of people to conclude that he should lose his moderating position.
You seem to want to have a position of dominance where no-one will disagree with you, for some reason.It will never happen, lifes not like that.

I've absolutely no problem with anyone disagreeing with me providing they will stand up and explain themselves and not just ignore a request to sort things out.

The fact I'm Jimbobs wife is irrelevant, I do happen to be a person in my own right.

For the record I'm not a bully but I do believe in standing up for myself and what I believe is right.

And to be fair Albs, it's pot calling kettle as you are downright rude and bullish towards people at times.

Can`t recall any incidents indicating those tendencies so would have to disagree

Threads he doesn't like, folk posting something that he's seen before.....
Maybe you are confusing personal opinions (which everybody has a right to) with "rude & bullish". Educated people should be able to differentiate between the two.

Educated people stay out of what doesn't concern them.  This was between Me, DLK and the Admin team, nowt to do with anyone else to be honest.

What I will say is that if you really think you're right, you stay and fight, not run off with your tail between your legs.

Now just who is doing the "bullying" now ??

Not bullying at all, a statement of fact!  I'd dearly like to sort things out with Daz as don't know what's kicked all this off.

General Discussion Area / Re: Loo-Knee
« on: 01 March 2012, 14:06:05 »
My take on these things is as follows, for what its worth...

Daz (badly) launched an attack (initially thought to be at a whole thread) at Ljay, with the deliberate intention to provoke a response (aka bullying)....and he got one.

Ljay did her best to sort in private, but he refused to speak to her and he carried on provoking.

Alert Mod had been used, I perceived him as the instigator and trouble maker, so implemented the short ban.

IF he hadnt deliberately been provocative, none of this would have happened.  He believes however he has done nothing wrong.

An analogy....If one of your wives, girlfriends, sisters etc were being raped....and in their defence, punch, gouge, hit at their attacker....would you punish them, see them convicted of assault etc?  No.  you would be up in arms if that happened.  IMHO the same principal applies here.

If you disagree with that, I will discuss further privately if required.

With respect .. rollocks..

Daz posted "terribly sorry old boy, I am a little tired" .. which Ljay has done several times .... how you perceive that as an "attack" is beyond me.

The other admins "might" have been ignoring the "alert" posts as they saw it as unnecceasary to take action

Private matters between Daz and Ljay should be private .. even from you in your position as a mad.... if you want to get involve declare a conflict of interest.

Comparing a rape with the word "terribly sorry old boy, I am a little tired" is pathetic and  I thought a lot better of you.

It wasn't about the terribly sorry old boy, I am a little tired, it was his personal attack and insult that came afterwards.  I PM'd him to ask what the problem was and got an insult in the thread. That was the issue not the terribly sorry old boy, I am a little tired.

General Discussion Area / Re: Loo-Knee
« on: 01 March 2012, 13:58:46 »
Starting again Ljay ? ::)
I have never bullied anyone in my life but nor will I be bullied by anyone.Funny how bullies often accuse others of being the bully.Reverse phsychology ? oldest trick in the book.I have seen you bully people periodically since I joined OOF,females in particular.Your treatment of Ali from Herts was disgraceful imo and should have resulted in a permanent ban.
Quite frankly,I think the only thing that has prevented that over the years is the fact that your Jimbobs wife.
Im afraid I have also lost respect for Jimbob over this matter.The fact that he banned another admin for 24 hours to prevent him from posting on OOF after his tiff with you is well known (so no need to keep deleting it when somone posts it) and has caused a lot of people to conclude that he should lose his moderating position.
You seem to want to have a position of dominance where no-one will disagree with you, for some reason.It will never happen, lifes not like that.

I've absolutely no problem with anyone disagreeing with me providing they will stand up and explain themselves and not just ignore a request to sort things out.

The fact I'm Jimbobs wife is irrelevant, I do happen to be a person in my own right.

For the record I'm not a bully but I do believe in standing up for myself and what I believe is right.

And to be fair Albs, it's pot calling kettle as you are downright rude and bullish towards people at times.

Can`t recall any incidents indicating those tendencies so would have to disagree

Threads he doesn't like, folk posting something that he's seen before.....
Maybe you are confusing personal opinions (which everybody has a right to) with "rude & bullish". Educated people should be able to differentiate between the two.

Educated people stay out of what doesn't concern them.  This was between Me, DLK and the Admin team, nowt to do with anyone else to be honest.

What I will say is that if you really think you're right, you stay and fight, not run off with your tail between your legs.

General Discussion Area / Re: Loo-Knee
« on: 01 March 2012, 13:52:46 »
Starting again Ljay ? ::)
I have never bullied anyone in my life but nor will I be bullied by anyone.Funny how bullies often accuse others of being the bully.Reverse phsychology ? oldest trick in the book.I have seen you bully people periodically since I joined OOF,females in particular.Your treatment of Ali from Herts was disgraceful imo and should have resulted in a permanent ban.
Quite frankly,I think the only thing that has prevented that over the years is the fact that your Jimbobs wife.
Im afraid I have also lost respect for Jimbob over this matter.The fact that he banned another admin for 24 hours to prevent him from posting on OOF after his tiff with you is well known (so no need to keep deleting it when somone posts it) and has caused a lot of people to conclude that he should lose his moderating position.
You seem to want to have a position of dominance where no-one will disagree with you, for some reason.It will never happen, lifes not like that.

I've absolutely no problem with anyone disagreeing with me providing they will stand up and explain themselves and not just ignore a request to sort things out.

The fact I'm Jimbobs wife is irrelevant, I do happen to be a person in my own right.

For the record I'm not a bully but I do believe in standing up for myself and what I believe is right.

And to be fair Albs, it's pot calling kettle as you are downright rude and bullish towards people at times.

Incorrect, if the position is used to gain your own ends. Which it appears to have been the case.

If jimbob declared a "conflict of interest" and had backed away things would, in all probablity be very different. However, he didn't, and appears to have acted in your favour.

It wasn't intended to be in my favour, he only stepped in as he felt he needed to after the 'alert mods' had been ignored by several members of the admin team who had been online. 

In what way have I gained my own ends incidently?

General Discussion Area / Re: Loo-Knee
« on: 01 March 2012, 13:49:50 »
Starting again Ljay ? ::)
I have never bullied anyone in my life but nor will I be bullied by anyone.Funny how bullies often accuse others of being the bully.Reverse phsychology ? oldest trick in the book.I have seen you bully people periodically since I joined OOF,females in particular.Your treatment of Ali from Herts was disgraceful imo and should have resulted in a permanent ban.
Quite frankly,I think the only thing that has prevented that over the years is the fact that your Jimbobs wife.
Im afraid I have also lost respect for Jimbob over this matter.The fact that he banned another admin for 24 hours to prevent him from posting on OOF after his tiff with you is well known (so no need to keep deleting it when somone posts it) and has caused a lot of people to conclude that he should lose his moderating position.
You seem to want to have a position of dominance where no-one will disagree with you, for some reason.It will never happen, lifes not like that.

I've absolutely no problem with anyone disagreeing with me providing they will stand up and explain themselves and not just ignore a request to sort things out.

The fact I'm Jimbobs wife is irrelevant, I do happen to be a person in my own right.

For the record I'm not a bully but I do believe in standing up for myself and what I believe is right.

And to be fair Albs, it's pot calling kettle as you are downright rude and bullish towards people at times.

Can`t recall any incidents indicating those tendencies so would have to disagree

Threads he doesn't like, folk posting something that he's seen before.....

General Discussion Area / Re: Loo-Knee
« on: 01 March 2012, 13:41:46 »
Starting again Ljay ? ::)
I have never bullied anyone in my life but nor will I be bullied by anyone.Funny how bullies often accuse others of being the bully.Reverse phsychology ? oldest trick in the book.I have seen you bully people periodically since I joined OOF,females in particular.Your treatment of Ali from Herts was disgraceful imo and should have resulted in a permanent ban.
Quite frankly,I think the only thing that has prevented that over the years is the fact that your Jimbobs wife.
Im afraid I have also lost respect for Jimbob over this matter.The fact that he banned another admin for 24 hours to prevent him from posting on OOF after his tiff with you is well known (so no need to keep deleting it when somone posts it) and has caused a lot of people to conclude that he should lose his moderating position.
You seem to want to have a position of dominance where no-one will disagree with you, for some reason.It will never happen, lifes not like that.

I've absolutely no problem with anyone disagreeing with me providing they will stand up and explain themselves and not just ignore a request to sort things out.

The fact I'm Jimbobs wife is irrelevant, I do happen to be a person in my own right.

For the record I'm not a bully but I do believe in standing up for myself and what I believe is right.

And to be fair Albs, it's pot calling kettle as you are downright rude and bullish towards people at times.

General Discussion Area / Re: Loo-Knee
« on: 01 March 2012, 13:32:41 »
i rest my case.

I'm not the person at fault here, though it would appear jungle drums beat to the contrary.

General Discussion Area / Re: Loo-Knee
« on: 01 March 2012, 13:25:46 »
woman your the biggest bully of them all,and the gobbiest, please stfu!!!

Make me oh keyboard warrior! 

General Discussion Area / Re: Loo-Knee
« on: 01 March 2012, 13:18:34 »
Thats fair enough imo, as long as the admins also understand that it is something that the members are going to want to talk about when things have settled down. There are a lot of strong feelings on the subject,and if Daz doesnt come back I very much doubt it will be forgiven and forgotten in a hurry.

Bring it on Albs.  Bullying is not acceptable in any part of life.  And it seems you feel the need to carry on where he left off.

General Discussion Area / Re: Whatever happened to.........
« on: 28 February 2012, 20:06:57 »
i always thought it was really ugly blokes that had a big knob....count

Albs must be hung like a horse

me i am fat and ugly but my body cant make up its mind if wigley comes out to play or not.old age its bloody great :y

Too much information.....mind bleach please, again! ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Whatever happened to.........
« on: 28 February 2012, 17:52:57 »
6911? You must be a bit of a knob, Matt.  ;D

I am sure that in some people's eyes I am a complete knob, a barsteward, or hades reborn....  but based on my last post I am more than 10 times the knob you are, so ner......ah..... ::)

Typical men!  Turning it into a my knobs bigger than yours contest!  :P :P

Yes, but when we talk about knobs look who turns up.  Paul.Cocksleeve and LJay.  Coincidence?  I think not!  ;D

And just what are you insinuating then?? ??? ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Whatever happened to.........
« on: 28 February 2012, 17:42:49 »
6911? You must be a bit of a knob, Matt.  ;D

I am sure that in some people's eyes I am a complete knob, a barsteward, or hades reborn....  but based on my last post I am more than 10 times the knob you are, so ner......ah..... ::)

Typical men!  Turning it into a my knobs bigger than yours contest!  :P :P

General Discussion Area / Re: Improving General Chat
« on: 28 February 2012, 16:26:12 »
I enjoy reading threads that show what people are doing with their cars, we are mainly a car forum as I see it  :y

terribly sorry old boy, I am a little tired....

It seems you need some Beauty Sleep ;D
just following the example our wonderful unfunny court jester mod set! ;-)

Actually I've bored myself now!  After some good advice I've decided there's no point arguing with an idiot, he'll only draw me down to his level and beat me with experience! ;D ;D

Go Daz, knock yourself out, I understand you can't help it! :y :y ;D ;D

Not even going there on the beauty sleep, it's pot calling kettle and there's no need for personal insults just to save face! :y ;D

Note use of smilies

Haha LJay you remember me to my honey who has as big mouth as yours... ;D ;D ;D ;D  :y :y :y :y

All the better for...... ;)

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