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Messages - carper

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [8] 9
General Discussion Area / Re: F1 Conspiracy?
« on: 22 October 2007, 14:39:04 »
I feel that there is something a bit fishy going on... 3 stop strategy, mystery problems in the gearbox... doesn't quite add up

I also wondered why he was in for 3 stops  ::)
Our lass asked me what all the aerials/antenna were for on the cars, I said that the cars sent performance/problem info back to the pits  :question. Is it right that the pits can send instructions/info back to the car  :question, just wondered.

General Discussion Area / Re: Need a video card
« on: 16 October 2007, 09:01:30 »
I've alway's used CCL for my PC gear, top class service and top class products. I live pretty local to them so collection is not a problem, although they do a next day delivery sevice. Check out some of their cards, I'm sure you'll find the right one.  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: You Learn Something New Everyday
« on: 16 October 2007, 17:35:34 »
In fairness to ebay, they are trying to cut down on the number of dodgy auctions, and the thing in this case is the implication you will pull the auction if it fails to meet the price you want...

Not at all, thats why I use the "Reserve" feature  ;)

General Discussion Area / You Learn Something New Everyday
« on: 16 October 2007, 09:38:18 »
Well, it appears that, I've broken the rules on the bay. Infact, to be exact, this one .........eBay Listing Removed: Inappropriate Seller Terms (=LS &12362 JM151849020).
I've decided to sell my hand held scanner as I no longer use it, (Yupiteru MVT-7100 Multiband Reciever/Scanner), but in my description, because it is also advertised in the local ads, I can't use the term...... "advertised locally, so I reserve the right to end auction early".
How many times do you read that on the bay  ::) so therefore I received this.........

We appreciate that you chose eBay to list the following auction-style listing(s):

200162666928 - Yupiteru MVT-7100 Multiband Reciever/Scanner

However, your listing was in breach of eBay's Inappropriate Seller Terms policy and has been removed from eBay. All fees related to this listing have been credited to your account. We also notified members who placed bids on the item that the listing has
been canceled.

We would like to take this opportunity to let you know what part of your listing is not permitted.

Your listing(s) contains the following information:

advertised locally, so I reserve the right to end auction early.

Any terms that contradict the eBay User Agreement or that inadvertently breach eBay listing policies are not permitted in listings.

The eBay User Agreement states that you may not fail to deliver items purchased from you, unless the buyer fails to meet the listing terms, or you cannot authenticate the buyer's identity.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you relist this, or any other item that breaches eBay policy, your eBay privileges could be suspended. We value you as a member of our community and wish to continue this relationship, so we must ask you to refrain from further breaches of the User Agreement and eBay policy.

Please review eBay's Listing Policies and User Agreement at the following locations:

I've asked them whats the difference between me stating the above for a scanner, and stating the above for a car or anything else for sale  ::)  no reply as yet, so it looks like I dont have the right to remove it from the bay if it's sold locally.

General Discussion Area / Holden Commodore VE Omega
« on: 06 October 2007, 09:17:30 »

General Discussion Area / Re: Time to move on
« on: 06 October 2007, 18:05:06 »
All the best for the future Ronaldmcburger.  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Spot The Difference V2
« on: 07 October 2007, 14:08:14 »
The front of the boat is.......................... erm ! new pants please  :o

General Discussion Area / Re: Anyone close to you a veggie?
« on: 07 October 2007, 00:34:57 »
My Mrs is one of these veggie thingy's  :o.
It started about 7 years ago when she stopped smoking, she got over that, and then went on to this veggie melarky. Then she joined the fat club (slimming world), everything has just gone beyond belief.
Shopping has become a nightmare, takes twice as long and costs twice as much  :o (than before the above).
She comes home every tuesday night, she usually says the same, I always answer the same....... "I've lost another 2 pound"........ "Right. pity it's not off yer tongue" (she can do some gobbin off  ::)) still! I can't complain, I'd be lost without her (Gobby Cow) hey OOooohhhh missus.  ;D

But !!! everybody to the'r own  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Realism!
« on: 28 September 2007, 18:33:47 »
I've looked at the pics up and down  ::) , what is the piece of paper covering up on the rear plate ?

My cat speaks better English, and could have listed it better, jeeeez

Clicked on the link and saw the pick, Oh!!!!! the new Gillette is out for Crimbo   :o

General Discussion Area / Re: Forte
« on: 26 September 2007, 18:28:53 »
Didn't he used to have a hotel chain & restaurants?

General Discussion Area / Re: Red Arrows Banned? - WTF??
« on: 24 September 2007, 16:23:06 »
Now for my 2 peneth (Red arrows in mind of course  ::))

One of many things that get's my back up is .............. when all the johnny foreigner's in this country, wether born here, or just visiting forever, state, claim that their British. Oh yeh ! so if a dog is born in a stable! does that make it a horse ??? bring back national service I say, and get the lot of em in, never did me any harm.  ;D

OH yeh! UP the red arrows.

General Discussion Area / Re: Someone Has Some Explaining To Do
« on: 24 September 2007, 17:44:15 »
aaaaaah solved!!!

we all wondered, as your last posts suggested no particular reason to leave!!

I was going to say "my own fault really"  as I used the same password on here as I do for a couple of flight sim forums I visit, plus, I've always clicked (yes) when Firefox offers to remember passwords  :-[ not any more though.

A fellow anorak! :y

MS or other, civil or military?

Welcome aboard (again!)

MS.....FS9, my machine wont run FSX as I'd like, tend to fly the heavy metal (civil)


I'm currently populating my virtual skies with loads of AI traffic, mainly from That makes me one very sad individual!  ;D ;D ;)

I've been using Adobe AI  ::) for some time now........  ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: Someone Has Some Explaining To Do
« on: 24 September 2007, 17:15:49 »
aaaaaah solved!!!

we all wondered, as your last posts suggested no particular reason to leave!!

I was going to say "my own fault really"  as I used the same password on here as I do for a couple of flight sim forums I visit, plus, I've always clicked (yes) when Firefox offers to remember passwords  :-[ not any more though.

A fellow anorak! :y

MS or other, civil or military?

Welcome aboard (again!)

MS.....FS9, my machine wont run FSX as I'd like, tend to fly the heavy metal (civil)

General Discussion Area / Re: Someone Has Some Explaining To Do
« on: 24 September 2007, 15:34:35 »
aaaaaah solved!!!

we all wondered, as your last posts suggested no particular reason to leave!!

I was going to say "my own fault really"  as I used the same password on here as I do for a couple of flight sim forums I visit, plus, I've always clicked (yes) when Firefox offers to remember passwords  :-[ not any more though.

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