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Messages - Migv6 le Frog Fan

Pages: 1 ... 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 [791] 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 ... 808
General Discussion Area / Re: bugger
« on: 27 January 2016, 21:16:41 »
It seems to be 21st century U.K. No-one can accept they are ever in the wrong, never mind accepting responsibility and consequences of their wrongdoing.  :(

General Discussion Area / Re: sparrows
« on: 27 January 2016, 21:13:30 »
Ive learned a lesson from feeding birds in the garden. Make sure the food is always as high up as possible, if you must feed them. Otherwise you may well get rats on your property, and once you've got them they are sods to get rid off.
I had them living under my shed for a year and finally got rid of them about a year ago. It cost a lot of time. effort and money to do so.
I caught and drowned quite a few (including one that had a body a foot long) but they were breeding faster than I could catch them.
In the end I had to dig a trench - 16 inches deep and wide - around the shed. Attach strong wire mesh to the shed and then run it into and across the trench before filling it all in again.
Apparently they hate metal on their teeth, so that seems to have stopped the little bastids.

General Discussion Area / Re: Little cherubs
« on: 27 January 2016, 21:03:14 »
I had one of these about three hours ago. I was turning left into a road and he (around 14 years old) proceeded to play with his phone while stepping off the pavement and onto the road I was turning into. He didn't even bother with a cursory glance away from  his phone to check the road before walking across it.
I had no intention of stopping for him, so he got the fright of his life when he realised there was a car about a foot away from him.
As I passed him I heard many words beginning with F, W, C etc. He seemed very certain that he had done nothing wrong.  ::)

Just under 15 years ago builders were being ordered off the sites they were working on due to eastern Europeans walking on site and offering to do their jobs for half the money they were being paid. I personally know several builders who this happened to.
These people left the trade, and retrained to do other jobs. It makes them extremely happy to hear contractors crying and whinging about the problem of a skills shortage in the building trade.   ;) :)

General Discussion Area / Re: The mad world of Donald Trump.
« on: 27 January 2016, 15:51:28 »
Dangerous Don v Mad Vlad.......I'd buy a ticket  ;D

It'll be the last thing you do because the Earth will be no more than a charred cinder once these two loons have squared up. :(

But on a lighter note...... :D ;D

I disagree. Putin is running rampant because he knows that Obama is a weak spineless coward of a president. I don't think he  dared to be so cocky when George w retard was in the Whitehouse, because he couldn't predict how he would react.
It would probably be similar if Trump ended up there.

General Discussion Area / Rolling 25 year V.E.D. exemption.
« on: 27 January 2016, 15:46:37 »
A petition to reinstate this was started a couple of days ago. I thas already attracted 11,000 signatures.
Doesn't quite apply to the oldest Omega yet, but as car enthusiasts, hopefully OOFers will be sympathetic to the cause, or maybe sympathetic to forcing politicians to actually keep one of their promises just for a change.
Anyways, the link is below for those who are interested.

General Discussion Area / Re: The mad world of Donald Trump.
« on: 26 January 2016, 23:19:47 »
He is definitely a nutter, but so is Hilary. Just a different type of nutter.  :)

General Car Chat / Re: What code reader?
« on: 26 January 2016, 18:51:18 »
I don't think you would have to pay a couple of grand for one these days. More like £500 - 600 if your lucky.  ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: great car crash con.
« on: 26 January 2016, 18:44:44 »
Just watched it. Seen similar scams on similar programmes, Birmingham and Manchester are those I remember. Imagine how much insurance premiums could be reduced profits could be increased if these people were stopped.

Fixed.  :y

Similarily, energy companies have told us for years that wholesale gas / electricity track the price of oil, which was why they had to keep jacking up the prices.
We all know the price of oil has fallen off a cliff in the last year, but energy prices have stayed exactly the same.  >:(

General Discussion Area / Re: Drink driving penalties
« on: 26 January 2016, 18:40:25 »
It varies greatly from one individual to another. Different people have different tolerances to alcohol, and the amount of food eaten recently can affect things too.
One person could be over the limit after two pints with their lunch, another might be under after 4 pints and having eaten nothing all day.
I have never been breathalysed, but I drive to the pub once a week and have one pint of lager and a second pint of shandy.
I believe Im fine with that, but cant say with 100% certainty.

General Discussion Area / Re: Celine Dion
« on: 19 January 2016, 23:24:42 »

General Discussion Area / Re: R.I.P. Glen Frey.
« on: 19 January 2016, 20:23:21 »
True, but Joe walsh gave himself more abuse than all the others together, but he seems fit as a flea these days. Its a lottery I suppose.  :-\

General Discussion Area / R.I.P. Glen Frey.
« on: 19 January 2016, 00:23:14 »
Founder and co writer of most of the Eagles songs. Ive been a fan for many years. Saw them live a few years back, and they were superb.
Only 67. Shocking.  :'(

General Discussion Area / Re: Europe In or Out??
« on: 18 January 2016, 18:50:28 »
The 11% figure may be true, Im not sure. To put it another way though, the UK is the biggest single importer of EU goods in the world.
I had my doubts about that when I first heard it, but it has been repeated so many times in the media without contradiction, that I can only assume it is true.
This would put the UK in a very strong bargaining position indeed when it comes to negotiating trade deals with the EU.
There is no way in the world they would try and impose tarrifs, as we would obviously reciprocate. The directors of VAG, Mercedes, BMW, Citroen, Peugeot, Renault Fiat etc. (and that's only the car industry), simply wouldn't allow it to happen.

I disagree. We may be the biggest importer, but the EU stands to lose up to 11% of it's total exports. We stand to lose 50% is of ours (worst case).

No, the car manufacturers wouldn't like it, but if you're intent on buying a BMW/Merc/Audi then you're unlikely to change your mind and buy a UK built Honda or Toyota anyway, so whilst sales would take a hit they wouldn't stop. And Honda/Toyota export 80% of the cars they make, to they would be hit by export tariffs too. 

The 50% figure is nowhere near accurate. It was originally bandied about by Europhiles, but included the goods which leave the UK and are then transferred onto other (usually larger) ships in European ports (Rotterdam in particular), and are then exported to outside of the EU.

So HMRC say :

•The proportion of total exports to the EU is 47 per cent in October 2015. Over the past 18 months, this has ranged from 41 per cent to 50 per cent. The proportion of total imports from the EU is 52 per cent in October 2015. Over the same period, this has ranged between 49 per cent and 55 per cent.

I've not seen any figures showing the re-exporting of UK goods - would you care to enlighten me?

Look up The Rotterdam/ Antwerp effect and The Netherlands distortion.

The economic matters of course aren't the biggest issue.

They are. I hesitate to quote Bill Clinton, but he was spot on IMHO.

They aren't. Clinton was speaking in a different context altogether. How can the freedom, independence, sovereignty & self governance of a nation be less important than economic matters ? To concede to that would be little short of slavery imo.
Worry not, our economy will grow, thrive & prosper, if we have the sense to leave this outdated club and look towards the rest of the ever shrinking world. Not only will be be in an extremely strong position to trade with the  EU, but we will once again be free to have our own seat at the WTO and deal directly with all other countries, rather than be compelled to do that through the EU as we currently do.

General Discussion Area / Re: Europe In or Out??
« on: 18 January 2016, 17:12:33 »
So to sum up that viewpoint. We have no choice but to allow our status as a self governing sovereign nation to be exchanged for membership of an undemocratic union of member states, as the alternative means that our economy may suffer ?
Churchill and our forefathers would very proud.

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