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Messages - Ian_D

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They all look good  :y

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 22 December 2011, 21:23:52 »
Fixed it  ;D  :y  :)  :D

Finished the Head Gasket + New Cam belt.

General Car Chat / Re: Head Gasket Update
« on: 22 December 2011, 21:13:02 »
Update continued:

Day 2:
Big BIG thank to Andy B for replacing the head gaskets for me, I didn’t want to tackle it on my own! And also a big thanks for bringing your locking kit down too.

The old gasket had gone on the passenger head at the rear (between the Oil drain to the engine, and the water jacket).

So, off we go at reassembling everything. We had just about got everything back together, however we just ran out of time to actually test the engine, so Andy went back home (with his cambelt locking kit).

Day 3:
Me and Ray (again, thanks Ray for all your help!) continued putting everything together. Couple of hours later, we started her up.... Bruuummmm... Yey, she runs... However we were then greeted with a squeaking noise - so we switched it off, and removed the Aux belt. Fired it back up and the squeak was still there - Ah bugger, it’s the cam belt!  :'(

Phoned Daz, who has been a MASSIVE help (Daz, Thanks a million!) - He advised to try a tiny tiny spray of wd40 or similar on the back of the cambelt while it was running (we both put the squeaking down to the printed text etc on the new belt).

Hay presto, after a quick spray, all is well... :)

Engine had been ticking over for a few minuets by now, and all seemed fine, so I gave her a few little revs etc... THEN there was a horrid metallic grinding noise. As fast as this noise appeared, it disappeared again - couldn't work out what it was.  :o

As the engine warmed up, this intermittent 'unknown' noise came back again, and it was getting worse the longer it ran. Off comes the Aux belt again. Bad news, the grinding noise is still there - has to be the cambelt.  :(

Few more phone calls to Daz, it became apparent that the cambelt has to come off again due to the idler pulleys been in the wrong position, and he thought the grinding sound could be the idlers catching on something – most likely the back plate... Anyway, I was then carless, and the locking kit was at Andys - 100 miles away! Ah bugger!  ::)

Day 4 (today):
Stuart (he is/was a member on here - and that’s how I met him) gave me a lift to Andys last night for the locking kit. (thanks again for the Tea Andy + Mrs Andy B!).  :y

So this afternoon I managed to remove the cambelt and see what was wrong.

The back plate was catching the bottom idler pulley like Daz guessed. A few minuets with a large screw driver and a few little taps with a hammer, the back plate was sitting back where it should be.  :y

Cambelt + idlers put back on. And then everything tensioned up correctly (thanks again for your advice Daz!).

Engine was back together in few hours. I crossed my fingers, and Turned the key.... Bruuummm....

And thankfully, that was how it stayed - no grinding or squeaking noises - phew!  :) :) :)

Anyway, left it running in the garage for 45 mins or so with the occasional rev here and there, and everything seems fine.  ;D

I will try and upload some more photos from the Digi Cam over the next couple of days - however due to me been at my grans (car is in her garage) I’ve not got a memory card reader with me.

Cheers again to everyone that helped  :y


General Discussion Area / Re: think before buying a massive telly
« on: 17 December 2011, 21:05:16 »
 ;D ;D ;D :y

Omega Gallery / Re: Its not an Omega! My new vehicle
« on: 17 December 2011, 14:20:25 »
The double reference to sumpguard was quite deliberate. I could have done with one for the Omega!

Have done 550 miles- very mixed motoring including towing a trailer and some off road and I am averaging 37 miles to the gallon. I keep thinking the guage must be stuck being used to seeing the Omega one move as you drive.  ;D ;D
37 Average! Yikes, Would be nice just to see 37mpg on Mig, even briefly - let alone average over 550 miles!!  ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: pissd
« on: 17 December 2011, 02:05:46 »
sober, calming down after a tough evening,  and  composing  a draft speech telling a multimillionaire he's a Colossally Unappreciative Nasty Tyrant.

which may or may not be delivered in public....    >:(

Sounds about right for most of them i bet...

General Discussion Area / Re: So I was up in the attic....
« on: 17 December 2011, 01:54:18 »
If I saw that in the attic I would be shutting the hatch ASAP!!! Hate the bloody things!  >:( >:( >:(

General Discussion Area / Re: pissd
« on: 17 December 2011, 01:44:35 »
Sober and about to go to sleep!  :)

General Discussion Area / Re: Server uptime
« on: 16 December 2011, 21:47:49 »
6.8 years  :o

Thats bloody impressive!  :y

Dunno how long my home server has been running since last reboot, will check and see in a moment. However it has been turned on 24/7 (minus the few hrs when its been off for hardware changes / UPS upgrades etc) for almost 5 years. Its only a crappy IBM eServer too! x206 IIRC... Which reminds me, need to shove a new backup tape in - its VERY VERY overdue  :-X
I know none of the servers at home have long uptimes - the hypervisor that they all sit on has only been up approx 166 days.  Which is probably around the time when I swapped out the server hardware (July iirc)

Just looked and uptime is 140 days and 40 mins... Still not bad for home use I guess... (Windows 2003 on it). Want to get my hands on a better server to play about with hypervisors next - problem is finding a server which is A) Very Cheep B) Reliable C) Not too noisy and C) Supports VT

Oh and also one that doesn't turn my room into an oven!  ;)
Guess you are not updating your W2K3 frequently then ;D
No, thats a good point actually... however I will give updates a miss ATM, as theres only 400mb free on the C: drive  :-X

General Discussion Area / Re: Boys & Toys
« on: 16 December 2011, 21:45:09 »
Guess hes not scared of heights then  ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Buying a new lap top, advice please.
« on: 16 December 2011, 21:16:19 »
Right just had a quick look:
HP laptop -  its £389 but with a £75 cash back from HP. So makes it £314. Which is a very good price IMO.

Another which looked good was this
Toshiba Laptop - its £412, its better spec than the HP (more ram and bigger hard drive). That said, for the use its going to have, its probably a waste of money IMO. Especially with the 75 quid cash back with the HP.

General Discussion Area / Re: Buying a new lap top, advice please.
« on: 16 December 2011, 21:08:15 »
But, minimum, Core i3, 2G RAM.

Branded, such as Dell, HP/Compaq, Toshiba.

Seem to recall Tosh having a £75 cashback on selected models.

Flick around Ebuyer and Dabs, see whats around.

Thanks, that gives me some of the tech stuff which I don't understand, was simply thinking that bigger is better..... :-\ :-\

No not at all with laptops.

Give me a sec and I will see what I can find...

Also, I've no idea when hard drive prices will fall agian - they rocketed due to hard drive factorys been flooded...

General Car Chat / Re: Ok, what exactly is this Omega part for?
« on: 16 December 2011, 21:03:06 »
Looks more like the suppressor capacitor that sits across the supply to the coil pack to me. ::)
Thats what I thought it was. I also thought I read on here a few days/weeks back that it was bolted to the back of one of the cylinder heads? Or was I dreaming? ::)

That's correct. :y
Ah ... at least im not going completely mental then!  :y

General Car Chat / Re: Vehicle Recalls
« on: 16 December 2011, 20:56:30 »
Interesting find!

Hmmm, theres a few Suzuki's with the fault 'steering control could be lost' Better tell my mate whos just got a new Swift to check his...  :-X

General Discussion Area / Re: Buying a new lap top, advice please.
« on: 16 December 2011, 20:51:16 »
Now isn't a good time to buy :(

Why not? the Sales seem to have started early........
I guess due to a massive increase in hard drive prices over the last couple of months, thus pushing all laptop/pc prices up?

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