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Messages - fletchesmrs

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General Discussion Area / Re: WHY DO WOMEN ?
« on: 23 September 2010, 23:46:59 »
I'd hate to be a woman, PMT must be an absolute bugger for some of them to deal with, and then there's the ones like fletchesmrs who appear to lose the plot altogether! Hormones have a lot to answer for!  :(

what a k**b head you dont know women at all do you ? have you ever had the previlage of getting cose to one i think NOT !!!!!!

Certainly not one of your ilk! I've been very happily married to my LADY wife for over 27 years, she is a real woman who doesn't feel the need to express herself as you seem to do, as she can annunciate perfectly well without resorting to the snide language of the fishwife! ;D

i express myself as i feel i need to, im not scared of expressing my opinion, iv been brought up 2 defend myself,bet you have got her tied to the kitchen sink and she dare not open her mouth unless you want her to !! for your pleasure !!!!! ha ha

Ho-Hum ::) My wife can & frequently does put me in my place, she can swear with the best (in the right place),drink with the best & fight the best; there is absolutely no doubt who wears the trousers in our house, I do! but neither is there any doubt who's the 'boss', She is! Our marriage is a Partnership, & if there was ever a need for any tying up to be done, we would take turns, but we're not into that stuff :D
You sound to me, from the way you express yourself, to be a bit inadequate; a woman in a male environment trying to show you've got more balls than the men? There's nothing wrong with that as such, it takes all sorts to make the World go round. We have several Lady (note the word Lady) members who can all hold their own more than adequately and manage to get their message over without resorting to confrontation.  :y

i am not trying to confront any one, ...yes iv been a woman in a mans environment for many years, and i have had to make my voice heard but for the lasy 2 years iv been a stay at home mumand now run my own business making wedding flowers so don have or need confrontation., but when i come on here and read the comments... sorry but it gets my back up !!

General Discussion Area / Re: WHY DO WOMEN ?
« on: 23 September 2010, 23:38:37 »
if a program comes on the telly i disagree with,i dont then waste my time whinging to the programme makers, i simply change the channel and look at something else. :y

That is why i dont come on here more than once a month, better stuff on 999 tv chanels,not like most sad people that are on here all day every day, thought when i bought my omega  i might be able to join a friendly community with a commom interest, ok i was wrong !!!!!!!! SORRY

I would suggest that by only coming on here once a month, and purposely seeking out all the negatives, you only find negatives. Have you never joked at someone else's expense or made light of someone else? As other members have said, they are jokes, with no ill intent. It seems that you choose to be offended, which in that case it might be a good idea for you not to speak to anyone as you don't appear to be in touch with the human race. This would be a shame however, as this forum is pretty bloody good actually. If someone wants to spend all day every day on here that's entirely up to them. Nothing wrong with that either.

If you have been an LGV driver for so many years, I would also dare say that you will be well aware of the banter that goes on, which women also indulge in.

Nice car BTW

Banter yes iv heard it all im a male working enviroment, NOT  on what is supposed to be a faminy forum !!

So you object to the fact that this content is on a 'family forum'? I haven't seen many 10 year olds driving Omegas! ;D

So do you have kids? I'd suggest there's alot worse things on the internet, that are easily accessible to kids, and which most right thinking people would say it is these that your attention is turned to, not light hearted banter of well meaning people trying to help each other out and generally being sociable!

It sounds like you're anti men to be honest, in which case you're a hypocrit!

yes i have kids .... i have 4 my eldest is 17yrs old ,my youngest is 21 months and was on here 3 weeks ago driving my hubbys mig down the lane where we live, so dont come the high and mighty with me, my 9 year old son is on here most mights with his dad .. hes car mad so i do worry what he reads !!

General Discussion Area / Re: WHY DO WOMEN ?
« on: 23 September 2010, 23:33:31 »
if a program comes on the telly i disagree with,i dont then waste my time whinging to the programme makers, i simply change the channel and look at something else. :y

That is why i dont come on here more than once a month, better stuff on 999 tv chanels,not like most sad people that are on here all day every day, thought when i bought my omega  i might be able to join a friendly community with a commom interest, ok i was wrong !!!!!!!! SORRY

I would suggest that by only coming on here once a month, and purposely seeking out all the negatives, you only find negatives. Have you never joked at someone else's expense or made light of someone else? As other members have said, they are jokes, with no ill intent. It seems that you choose to be offended, which in that case it might be a good idea for you not to speak to anyone as you don't appear to be in touch with the human race. This would be a shame however, as this forum is pretty bloody good actually. If someone wants to spend all day every day on here that's entirely up to them. Nothing wrong with that either.

If you have been an LGV driver for so many years, I would also dare say that you will be well aware of the banter that goes on, which women also indulge in.

Nice car BTW

Banter yes iv heard it all im a male working enviroment, NOT  on what is supposed to be a faminy forum !!

I think were all well fed on here :P

stop reading it then..... not difficult is it ,,,, sorry you are a male so i guess it is !!!

General Discussion Area / Re: WHY DO WOMEN ?
« on: 23 September 2010, 23:21:42 »
I'd hate to be a woman, PMT must be an absolute bugger for some of them to deal with, and then there's the ones like fletchesmrs who appear to lose the plot altogether! Hormones have a lot to answer for!  :(

what a k**b head you dont know women at all do you ? have you ever had the previlage of getting cose to one i think NOT !!!!!!

Certainly not one of your ilk! I've been very happily married to my LADY wife for over 27 years, she is a real woman who doesn't feel the need to express herself as you seem to do, as she can annunciate perfectly well without resorting to the snide language of the fishwife! ;D

i express myself as i feel i need to, im not scared of expressing my opinion, iv been brought up 2 defend myself,bet you have got her tied to the kitchen sink and she dare not open her mouth unless you want her to !! for your pleasure !!!!! ha ha

General Discussion Area / Re: WHY DO WOMEN ?
« on: 23 September 2010, 23:13:05 »
if a program comes on the telly i disagree with,i dont then waste my time whinging to the programme makers, i simply change the channel and look at something else. :y

That is why i dont come on here more than once a month, better stuff on 999 tv chanels,not like most sad people that are on here all day every day, thought when i bought my omega  i might be able to join a friendly community with a commom interest, ok i was wrong !!!!!!!! SORRY

I would suggest that by only coming on here once a month, and purposely seeking out all the negatives, you only find negatives. Have you never joked at someone else's expense or made light of someone else? As other members have said, they are jokes, with no ill intent. It seems that you choose to be offended, which in that case it might be a good idea for you not to speak to anyone as you don't appear to be in touch with the human race. This would be a shame however, as this forum is pretty bloody good actually. If someone wants to spend all day every day on here that's entirely up to them. Nothing wrong with that either.

If you have been an LGV driver for so many years, I would also dare say that you will be well aware of the banter that goes on, which women also indulge in.

Nice car BTW

Banter yes iv heard it all im a male working enviroment, NOT  on what is supposed to be a faminy forum !!

General Discussion Area / Re: WHY DO WOMEN ?
« on: 23 September 2010, 23:09:12 »
I'd hate to be a woman, PMT must be an absolute bugger for some of them to deal with, and then there's the ones like fletchesmrs who appear to lose the plot altogether! Hormones have a lot to answer for!  :(

what a k**b head you dont know women at all do you ? have you ever had the previlage of getting cose to one i think NOT !!!!!!

General Discussion Area / Re: WHY DO WOMEN ?
« on: 23 September 2010, 23:02:18 »
I sorry if im speaking out of term here ( to the male members ) but why do some male members on here seem to like to have a go ( those words are within the forum guidelines !!!could have said a lot worse !) at women ,sexist coments about bad driving, blonde jokes and boobs,? why seems to me the little click groups will stick together and carry on and get away with it a friend of mine bought an omega a few weeks ago,she saw the " OMEGAOWNERS,COM" Stickers on my car, she looked and was discusted at what she saw, is this what you want ? if so i will take the forum stickers out my car ....why advertise a forum that is not welcome to everyone..... just to add my brothe has also looked and said as a man he would not join !!!
Its because youre always moaning. And its out of TURN not Term ::)

ok clever t**t i hit the wrong key .... who are you the grammer police ? !!!!
Thats grammar, not grammer. and its quite obvious that you thought it was term not turn, probably because you dont listen ;)

wait till he sees skrunties posts! :o

break youi am i lorry driver not an english teacher !!

General Discussion Area / Re: WHY DO WOMEN ?
« on: 23 September 2010, 22:59:47 »
I think basically this site is very friendly and extremly helpfull. That said there can appear to be an "inner clique". I would avoid the general chat section if not keen on the jokes etc.

All the other sections are clean and well mannered in my opinion.

I hope I have not offended anyone with this.  :)

Again im SORRY  but i feel every time i habve come on here and experssed an opinion iv been sla**ed down, iv been an HGV driver for 19 yesrs and have had more than my fair shair if s**T didnt expect it on a car forum !!

General Discussion Area / Re: WHY DO WOMEN ?
« on: 23 September 2010, 22:51:12 »
I sorry if im speaking out of term here ( to the male members ) but why do some male members on here seem to like to have a go ( those words are within the forum guidelines !!!could have said a lot worse !) at women ,sexist coments about bad driving, blonde jokes and boobs,? why seems to me the little click groups will stick together and carry on and get away with it a friend of mine bought an omega a few weeks ago,she saw the " OMEGAOWNERS,COM" Stickers on my car, she looked and was discusted at what she saw, is this what you want ? if so i will take the forum stickers out my car ....why advertise a forum that is not welcome to everyone..... just to add my brothe has also looked and said as a man he would not join !!!
Its because youre always moaning. And its out of TURN not Term ::)

ok clever t**t i hit the wrong key .... who are you the grammer police ? !!!!

General Discussion Area / Re: WHY DO WOMEN ?
« on: 23 September 2010, 22:43:42 »
if a program comes on the telly i disagree with,i dont then waste my time whinging to the programme makers, i simply change the channel and look at something else. :y

That is why i dont come on here more than once a month, better stuff on 999 tv chanels,not like most sad people that are on here all day every day, thought when i bought my omega  i might be able to join a friendly community with a commom interest, ok i was wrong !!!!!!!! SORRY

General Discussion Area / WHY DO WOMEN ?
« on: 23 September 2010, 22:31:27 »
 I sorry if im speaking out of term here ( to the male members ) but why do some male members on here seem to like to have a go ( those words are within the forum guidelines !!!could have said a lot worse !) at women ,sexist coments about bad driving, blonde jokes and boobs,? why seems to me the little click groups will stick together and carry on and get away with it a friend of mine bought an omega a few weeks ago,she saw the " OMEGAOWNERS,COM" Stickers on my car, she looked and was discusted at what she saw, is this what you want ? if so i will take the forum stickers out my car ....why advertise a forum that is not welcome to everyone..... just to add my brothe has also looked and said as a man he would not join !!!

General Discussion Area / Re: CAN THIS REALLY BE TRUE?????
« on: 10 September 2010, 23:14:40 »
Like i said ,im not on here very often, im a busy working mum, get on here maybe once a week and dont have the time to trawl through most of the drivel posts that are put on here, found this post very informative, maybe i should just stay off here cos when i do log in and read some of the posts i lose my rag,its the same people dragging newer people down all the time,the "click" are always right !!! well sorry but not in my opinion, will sighn off now and stay away .

General Discussion Area / Re: CAN THIS REALLY BE TRUE?????
« on: 10 September 2010, 22:56:49 »
I hope not aswell, like i said im glad it was posted, as a female with young children if i saw such a thing i would stop, but not now !

General Discussion Area / Re: CAN THIS REALLY BE TRUE?????
« on: 10 September 2010, 22:46:21 »
i would like to thank the person who posted this item as i knew nothing about it,unlike alot of you on here i do have a life and dont spend all my time on here so hadnt seen the previous posts listed,i now know why i stopped coming on here, you all seam quick to knock people down when they are trying to be helpful,hes a newbie,a little consideration would not go a miss !!!!!!!! This forum will never get new regular member posting items if you "clicky" lot keep knocking them down in flames !!!!!

General Discussion Area / Re: Fun at 50mph!!!
« on: 04 September 2010, 23:21:47 »
Ellie -Mae will be sat waiting tmorrow uncle Guy for her drive down the lane in HER new car x :D :D

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