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Messages - Leomas

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General Discussion Area / Re: War has been declared
« on: 14 December 2008, 18:47:54 »
I'm not sure what you mean.  We have very low curbs with sidewalks on both sides, but a very narrow road.  I have to back out and onto the opposite curb to get out of the drive.  There is almost nowhere to go when there is a car parked half on the opposite curb.
Pretty sure ,that unless there is a sign allowing it, you can't park with one side of the car on the kerb

I might be wrong here so don't take this as gospel - but I'm sure we were told that (In E+W at least) that the legal definition of a "road" includes the bit the cars drive on - AND the pavement - basically the distance between properties on either side.

Therefore, I don't think it's illegal to park with part of the vehicle on the kerb, unless it could reasonably prevent pedestrians (including things like prams) getting past safely.

Rings a bell here too, the public highway is 'Hedgerow to Hedgerow' so that can include pavements. Couldn't ticket for driving other than on the Public Highway unless it was parked with all four wheels off the road at the same time (ie on the pavement before someone asks if that includes suspended in mid-air)

General Discussion Area / Re: I've had a bump!
« on: 15 December 2008, 12:40:16 »
bloody women drivers. hope you told her it was all her fault.  ;D ;D

Hmmm a comment from someone hoping this goes off the front page before Lizzie and Co get online

General Discussion Area / Re: some barsteward
« on: 15 December 2008, 15:45:12 »
It's amazing how many good websites there are out there if you want to flood someone with junk mail. Financial services are the best, they even get call centres in India et al ringing you

 ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Should I update to IE7?
« on: 14 December 2008, 10:38:13 »
I'm a social outcast, I like Opera. Used to use FF but the latest versions seem to have a wierdie in the browser history where it only shows the first dozen sites you opened after installing it.

General Discussion Area / Re: Another one for the maths guru's...
« on: 14 December 2008, 20:43:45 »
Can you not simply do vector sums using the initial distance between A and B and each angle in turn?

General Discussion Area / Re: Important event for small noisy boys
« on: 13 December 2008, 19:03:48 »
You just *HAVE* to get the the Lego Starwars game for PS?/XBox/whatever. My son considered himself far too old at the age of 12 since it was a 3+ game but it is so hilarious he keeps going back to it - in the hope he gets good enough to beat me  ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: How many....? And who's who?
« on: 13 December 2008, 23:46:20 »
With my demonstrated skills in keeping Miggies on the road perhaps someone could find me a Mr Careless or Mr Clumsy if either is not already taken  :'(

or perhaps that should read 'lack of skill'

I have to make do with spending extra time in my attic office, oh dear what a struggle......More PCs than you can shake a stick at and lots of games to play plus the old Internet

 ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Miss-fire got worse
« on: 13 December 2008, 19:45:29 »
Oooh yes....that was just how mine started and I just thought I would wait until it was more convenient to fix it. Ended up with needing a DIS pack, a catalytic converter, plug leads, plugs and full exhaust system.


I am being soooo much more careful these days

General Discussion Area / Re: can i freeze butter??
« on: 12 December 2008, 20:16:43 »
No problem with freezing it, need to freeze the coldest ones first to reduce the ice crystal formation so a couple of hours in the fridge first.

As for the rest, get a PA

General Discussion Area / Re: Hmmm Advice please
« on: 12 December 2008, 20:23:42 »
Went onto 1st Choice Spares website and have had quotes back from 6 breakers with three of them coming in under £200 delivered.
Now all I need is to find someone who can do the swap with a fumble-fingered assistant

You can get one cheaper than that from one of the breakers on here :y :y

Now there's a thought, I could get them to deliver it and keep feeding them tea and biscuits while they fit it for me.

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Hmmm Advice please
« on: 12 December 2008, 20:14:45 »
Went onto 1st Choice Spares website and have had quotes back from 6 breakers with three of them coming in under £200 delivered.
Now all I need is to find someone who can do the swap with a fumble-fingered assistant

General Discussion Area / Re: Hmmm Advice please
« on: 12 December 2008, 15:54:05 »
Also have a read of this...

While I would love to get more hands on with this, I just don't have enough know-how/kit or more critically space to have a go. I am limited to work I can do at the roadside pushes this right out of sight.

General Discussion Area / Hmmm Advice please
« on: 12 December 2008, 15:40:18 »
Miggie was in to have the thrust washer done but the guy seems to have got the wrong end of the stick but fortunately rang me before pulling things apart. He is now learned up and has suggested a replacement gearbox would be cheaper but with labour he is talking about £600 (as near as).
Worth proceeding or being taken to the cleaners?

General Discussion Area / Re: whats going on, g.m and ford??
« on: 11 December 2008, 16:27:41 »
Been a long time since the auto side of the company made more money that the finance side.....that was the beginning of the end really.

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