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Messages - Victor Meldrew

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5
General Car Chat / Re: lowest mileage omega
« on: 07 August 2012, 23:24:02 »
Good grief Josh, hell of a find!!! Good on ya, health to drive mate.  :y

Well grounded young man considering his recent achievements!  We need more like him.  :y Very impressed.

General Car Chat / Re: Over My Dead Body
« on: 07 August 2012, 10:47:40 »
It wouldn't bother me, I only have access to two desmond diesels so I aint going to be going anywhere fast ;D ;D
Our nephew had to have one fitted just to get anywhere near an affordable price for his insurance, and it's not just your speed that is monitored.

Give it a couple of years and it will be a case off "fit one or we will bump up your premium" regardless of how old / experienced / many ncb's you have  ;)
Happening already.

Yep, time you travel, rush hour increase your premium, night time same. Route you take, high risk road, increase your premium, motorway same. Your destination, wrong post code increase your premium, duration of stay same. 

You file a claim, sorry sir your black box says you were going 1 MPH over the speed limit, your tyres were under/over inflated, you didn't have your lights/wipers on etc. etc. we're not paying out.

It the thin end of a very big wedge IMO.

General Car Chat / Re: Aircon - the next instalment .........
« on: 01 August 2012, 10:33:34 »
Hi Jonny, I was up at Greenaway Auto Electrics today to suss them out re my air con.  It's just a small back street garage on Lords Street of the Beersbridge Road.  To be honest my first impressions were low, but after speaking with the guy he seemed to know what he was talking about.  Without even seeing my car when I told him it was a Vauxhall Omega he suspects as I do that the condenser may be the source of my leak.  They will fill with gas to see if they can hear the leak and if not then add dye for £39.  If it just an O ring they will change and re-gas for £50 or if it's anything else they can order the parts and fit.  Price will obviously depend on which parts.  Think I'll give them a go when funds permit.


General Car Chat / Re: ATF change due but should I?
« on: 01 August 2012, 10:18:42 »
I've been thinking the same Webby.  :y No problems with mine either.  I'm pretty sure it's never been changed but at 79,000 I would like to know if it's essential before changing it and causing problems. Will watch with interest for the experts opinion. Good Luck.

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 31 July 2012, 23:16:57 »
Flushed and changed the coolant, then went and had my pocket felt by George Osborne for another 6 months Road Tax. Thieving git!

Read somewhere about putting a sheet of Bounce (smelly stuff you put in the tumble drier) in the pollen filter as an air freshener.

If you're going to try it please note a word of warning, don't do as I did and put it in behind the pollen filter.

Bloody thing got sucked in to the heater fan!  >:( Nearly shit myself last night when I turned the fan up to max, sounded like a fog horn going off in the dash.  :o Car was actually vibrating and I thought WTF! was that, then it stuck me that it was the sheet of Bounce. 

Checked behind the pollen filter and sure enough the sheet had gone.  Looked down in to the fan and there the bugger was wrapped round the fan blades. Couldn't get my hand in far enough to grab the sod but with much poking and pulling with a straightened wire coat hanger managed to get it out.

Won't be doing that again in a hurry!  :y

Omega General Help / Re: Aircon ..... again!
« on: 19 July 2012, 21:19:58 »
Cheers Andy. Ordered the valve today. Fiver plus vat as previously mentioned. Can't understand why stealer didn't know about it.
And thanks Den. I'll give Greenaways a shout in the morning and see what's what. I'll give grumpy a shout too, though not sure if he has managed to get sorted as yet himself.

Oi! Who you calling grumpy?  >:( Young whipper snapper!  ;) Bank have sorted themselves out, but now need to sort me brake pads so air con will have to wait. Will be watching with interest, let us know how you get on Jonny.  :y

General Car Chat / Re: Oooo Very Nice 3.2 2003 MV6 on eBay
« on: 18 July 2012, 00:26:56 »
That's what I was looking for back in January!  :'(  Don't see anything like that here in NI, ending up with an 2.2 CD, was the only thing worth buying at the time.

Only thing I would change to make it my perfect car is the earlier 5 spoke MV6 wheels.

Someone's going to get a nice car there.

Does it sound like this? Wait till the car goes over the camera properly. That clicking sound? Normal. That's my car too  ;D

Thanks again tgm, great that you had that video!  :y You've put my mind at ease as mine isn't as loud as that, but then again I've never heard mine while someone drove over my head!  ;D  I'll keep doing short oil changes to see if it will quieten down.

Mine does that. Think all the 2.2s do to a certain extent.

Thanks, I've read that the Z22XE can be a little noisy, but thought that implied either noisy lifters or leaky exhaust manifold. I don't think this noise I'm hearing is either of these and am worried it could be something more serious.

Omega General Help / Z22XE ticking at idle when engine is warm
« on: 17 July 2012, 23:46:44 »
Anyone any ideas?  Bought a 2002 2.2 CD Auto Saloon back in January. Noticed a top end ticking and oil was black as coal.

Have done a couple of short oil changes and added Wynns Lifter Treatment which has quietened the top end ticking and oil is now nice and clear.

However now I notice that when the engine is up to running temperature I can hear a similar ticking but it's coming from lower down. Can be heard down by front wheels on both sides of the car. It's not there on a cold start, idle is very quiet and smooth, so thinking it's not the exhaust fanimold.  When revs are increased even just very slightly the ticking disappears. Do you think more short oil changes will help?

General Discussion Area / Re: roof linning
« on: 17 July 2012, 23:28:58 »
Just cleaned mine with Autoglym Upholstery Cleaner.  Sprayed on sparingly then wiped with a clean damp cloth, came up a treat with no sagging. Pretty good stuff, don't know how it does it but dirt just seems to disappear, no need for rinsing.

General Discussion Area / Re: Nostalgic 1963 road trip
« on: 17 July 2012, 22:24:21 »
With your avatar Opti, can't help but imagine that was you behind the wheel giving that wonderful commentary!  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Alan partridge
« on: 17 July 2012, 18:21:45 »
Bag of Shite!

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