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Messages - Dishevelled Den

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General Discussion Area / Re: Just a quick message.
« on: 08 August 2012, 14:11:05 »
Aah, that's upsetting news indeed Liam, please give Del all my very best wishes for a speedy recovery to good health.

In terms of the last part of your post, I would suggest that your dad listens carefully to the medical advice he gets and follows it - bearing in mind that, with the right attitude and understanding, he can help himself enormously.

When a warning (such as this stroke) is given, there's no point in ignoring it and tempting fate by trying to carry on much as before.

Omega General Help / Re: Crunch...
« on: 08 August 2012, 13:51:16 »
That's disappointing news F3 - I hope it doesn't cost too much the rectify the damage. :y

As an aside, I would assume that your avatar depicts an oyster rather than anything else? ;D ;D ;D :-*

General Discussion Area / Re: Why Don't They Just Hurry Up &Die
« on: 08 August 2012, 12:03:03 »
Whatever way it’s dressed up, and irrespective of the nature of the legislation available to deal with these increasingly problematic issues - issues which are now being seen to infiltrate society across the social divide, this matter will always come down to one thing and one thing only – one of personal responsibility.

The increasing "nannying" of the State and the growth of legislation that purports to "protect" the individual and the community will tend to reduce the sense of personal responsibility.  If something is not specifically illegal, it will be seen as being condoned - albeit passively.  People who display a high sense of personal responsibility will be viewed as being rebellious and potentially a threat to society as they will demonstrate free thinking by their actions.

George Orwell could probably have written a book about it.

George Orwell could probably have written a book about it.

Yes, he missed that boat. ;D

The general tenor of your comments is quite valid.

The state will always have the responsibility to create an environment where the accepted norms of life can be experienced in a reasonable and ordered fashion.

People must have the freedom live their lives within the rules handed down by convention or legislation - wherever they choose to call ‘home’

In recent years the ‘state’ has determined that due to the mores of modern society, changing patterns of behaviour, security concerns and so on it must alter the long established covenant of it being there for the benefit and further development of society to become instrumental in attempting to manipulate, in a much more involved way, how people under its control live their lives.

This is a bad thing of course and, as you rightly, say those of us who tend to point out the undesirability of this new direction will always be regarded as people to be suspected of subversion and promoters of dissent by encouraging others to think in any independent manner.

In most cases that’s why during the course revolutionary upheaval the professional classes are most likely to be amongst the first casualties.

General Discussion Area / Re: Why Don't They Just Hurry Up &Die
« on: 08 August 2012, 11:33:10 »
Whats the oof defination of "sort drugs" ?

I'm not entirely sure as there doesn't appear to be a precise legal definition of what it may be. 

In my own mind at least, any drug (used for recreational purposes or as the result of an addiction) cannot really be regarded as being 'soft' as the effect of its use alters the behaviour of the user to some extent or other - hence the inverted commas around the word, soft.

In general terms I suppose the term could be used to describe any substance (including alcohol and tobacco) not being classified as either a Class A or Class B drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (as amended).

General Discussion Area / Re: Why Don't They Just Hurry Up &Die
« on: 08 August 2012, 09:55:24 »

 What happened to personal responsibility?

That's the crucial question. 

However society decides to anoint people who decide to use these 'recreational' drugs (including prescription meds, alcohol and gambling the simplicity of this question will always defeat the pundits.

Thinking back to the many colleagues (double figures) I knew who took their own lives (by shooting, gassing or prescription meds) alcohol/excessive behaviour always played a prominent part in their decline.

Their apparent lack of personal responsibility seemed to allow the inevitable devastation that would be felt by those they left behind be the furthest thing from their minds – substance abuse, in my view, tends to promote the insularity of people who decide to march to the beat of their own drum whatever the eventual cost to either themselves, their families or to society in general.

While it is impossible to legislate fully in the quest to control the distribution and use of classified drugs, prescription medication, ‘soft’ drugs and alcohol or to regulate the availability of other stimulants such as gambling, the state must always seek to do so and act should the law be contravened.

Whatever way it’s dressed up, and irrespective of the nature of the legislation available to deal with these increasingly problematic issues - issues which are now being seen to infiltrate society across the social divide, this matter will always come down to one thing and one thing only – one of personal responsibility.

The disconnect from practical reality afforded by affluence, criminal behaviour, electronic media, stimulants, the disintegration of family life (and values) is destabilising ‘society’ in many areas of the world and self-indulgence is beginning to assume a level of importance that is both unwelcome and very worrying indeed.

That will be El Tempranillo. I have one of his treasure maps too.

hmm Might have to be careful when and where i use a detector then and get the Mother in Law to dig anything up.

I quite liked the OKM Rover that looks like a walking stick. Discounted it on price. If I could afford one I wouldn't need to be finding treasure..................

El Tempranillo

I would be more inclined to treasure the product made from the grapes rather than seek the remains of his treasure. :-* :-*

General Discussion Area / Re: Positive mental attitude
« on: 07 August 2012, 16:32:45 »
It works! In Whitby at the mo and you could fry an egg on the pavement. Been in N Yorks since Friday and only had one downpour. Forecast is good all week  :y

Splendid news Steve - enjoy the rest of the break. :-* :-*

Newbie Welcome Area / Re: NEWBIE
« on: 07 August 2012, 16:29:21 »
How do you do DB, welcome. :y

General Car Chat / Re: Over My Dead Body
« on: 07 August 2012, 11:21:20 »
Many would suggest that the campaign by the MID (Motor Insurers Bureau) may have been conceived with the intent of ensuring that there was no hiding place for motorists when the subsequent requirement for constant electronic monitoring of their motoring habits began to be implimented (under the guise of road safety of course) with all the inevitable inconvience and costs motorists will have to bear in order to comply with new rules and regulations.

Some mistake surely.

Just shows the power of the corporate body when they decide to lessen their financial exposure while trying to extract more money from the same source in the process. 

Isn't lobbying great?

General Discussion Area / Re: Lard arse
« on: 07 August 2012, 09:34:33 »

“Oh mio dio Angelina you are so hot, can we, should we - is there anyone else who can possibly steal your affections from me?”

“Aach Silvia, there’s this Englander called RodsZwei who has designs on my lady parts – but now that you’re so close, whispering all those wonderful things we European leaders love to hear, I don’t think I can allow him to spoil our blossoming relationship by listening to his inconvenient truths.”

“Buono, mia principessa. The make believe world of our high politics is a much better place to inhabit – but before we start please tell me one thing, who the opps is DD, and what’s he doing down there?”

I no doubt, that Nu labour and Lib Dems are already working on the problem and we will see their suggestions after the Olympics, something along the lines of:

Comprehensive schools are under represented in the Olympic squad, so to give them a greater chance of qualifying and being selected for the Olympic squad we are introducing the two for one rule. This will work by comprehensive school participants only have to achieve half the standard of public schools competitors. So if a public school competitor runs 100m in 10 seconds, their comprehensive school rival will only have to complete the race within 20 seconds to qualify for selection to the 2016 Olympic squad.

We have also looked into what would motivate unemployed 16 years old in social housing to join a sports club. We are happy to announce as a result of our survey, we are now sponsored by McDonalds, Carlsberg and British American Tobacco, who will be providing as much fast food, beer and tobacco as these potential top athletes need as part of their training program.

When asked how this will help, when they have no chance of any of them winning any medals the a Lib Dem equality spokes person, said: Fairness, equality and taking part is so very much more important than winning. We are current talking to the Olympic committee about introducing some new sports that they are particularly good at for Rio 2016.

By far the most promising for potential gold medals is for our comprehensive school triathletes. The qualifying rounds will be held on a Friday evening, with the final the following evening. This is when they are in peak form every week and they train the hardest, in the most realistic conditions. 1. 100m sprint to the bar, smoke 20 cigarettes, while downing 20 pints of lager. 2. A 50m sprint to the takeaway, to down a donor kebab with chips and having a bare knuckle fighting against each other until the last three are standing. 3. The pole vault, showing after 20 pints and a fight how quickly they can practice knocking up a local scrubber, while leaning against a lamppost.  ;D ;D ;D

 ;D ;D ;D That tickled Uncle Denny. ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Sticky for Jokes
« on: 07 August 2012, 08:18:11 »
I saw a dyslexic yorkshire man today wearing a cat flap.

 ;D ;D ;D ;D I missed that one. ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Audio levels in films
« on: 06 August 2012, 23:18:22 »
In this thread: Old people.

 :P ;) ;)

Do you know Aa, I think you're quite correct. :y



I'm afraid to say women have nearly no right Cleggy :(   I wont go into more details about the book.. as it will bring only headache to OOF

I'm afraid to say women have nearly no right Cleggy

A quite deplorable situation cem. :( :(

Although I can't authenticate the following - if true, it seems to be a sad indictment on the conduct of some people in 21st century Britain.

Worth sticking with to the end.

I heard one of the investigating policemen being interviewed on the radio, and he said something along the lines of......

" It wasn't a so called honour killing, it was murder...."

He was completely right. By giving crimes like these their own 'tag' the hand wringers imply a sense of legitimacy and all because they are afraid of offending people!!  >:(

Quite so TH - it could never have been anything else but - wherever in the world it happened.

hand wringers

Indeed, such 'enlightened' individuals - and their running dogs, have oppsed this country sideways for too long now.

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